Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Southern Ridges Walk - SG #4, 28th March 2009

Southern Ridges Walk - SG #4, 28th March 2009

文章日期:03/28/2009 01:53 pm

While all my colleagues are still resting waiting for their Pizza and Burger, I take this opportunity to capture more greenery in Hort Park

You can even find a Koi Pool with full of Kois,,, remember dont feed them

here come the food, yum yum.....

and here are a group resting and "take your time men, no rush needed"

It is almost time for us to go back to Seah Im Food Centre.. the coach is waiting for us now

everyone is so eager to go back now

and here is a peace shoot....

For more info on all the parks in Singapore
tune in to this website

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