Tuesday, October 13, 2009

ID Stamp Guard

ID Stamp Guard

文章日期:11/07/2009 08:07 pm
We spotted this little gadget which I think it is useful for me and you....
yeap.. it is the ID Guard Stamp, instead shredding away all your mail envelope to you to protect your identity, you can actually use this to mask your personal data on junk mail before you throw it away :)
you can actually check all the benefits on this link http://www.idguardstamp.com/idguardstamp/index.html
Helps protect you from identity theft.

Ideal for use on junk mail.

Use on pre-approved credit card offers, credit card check offers, financial statements, anything that has information on it that you want to keep private.

Three sizes for your convenience.

More environmentally friendly than a paper shredder.
SO... we bought this little guy... and there are various colout for you to choose too..

and it even comes with a cover too :P