Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sun with Moon with YY couple and Olive

Sun with Moon with YY couple and Olive

文章日期:10/26/2011 04:25 pm
Once again, here comes another great holiday in Singapore.
I hereby Wishing all our Indian friends a Happy Deepavali day..
Hmmm... where shall we go this time round...
We have been always wanted to try out SUN with MOON as we notice that they have added some great dishes compare to last time when we were here.

Very plain menu on the outside,,, simple and non complicated..

But good choice of varieties and colourful too..

Our good friends YY couple and Olive is having a great time browsing the menu

seems like they are still wondering what to eat.. lets peep

as for me, I have ordered this Chirashi Don with soft shell crap tempura..
it comes with a very elegant presentation that you really dont feel like eating it...
what the heck.. lets eat

this chirashi don by the look sure comes with good selection of sashimi.. but it does lack of something that is taste
the portion is a little weak and its freshness is just so so only... soft shell crab did not really pass the expectation.
but overall the dish is just ok only... price is a little on the high side.. but i think SUn with Moon can do better.

Mr YY ordered a Shoado Bento... I did not taste it myself, but one thing is for sure, YY face sure looks satisfying :)

Mrs YY has ordered her Tonkatsy Toji & Tofu Salad, Pork chop sure looks delicious and with the sauce boiling and the eggs mixing with the broth..
I will definitely want to try the next time i m here (If i am going to patronise this place)

here come Olive's Yakiniku Set.... now lets wait for the hour glass to finish its counting

Walaaa.... looks good isnt it.. Olive's has been trying very hard to finish this set.. but unfortunately the portion is too great for a young lady like her to finish it.
Do take note.. this dish requires 2 person to finish it :)

As for my wife she ordered a Mixed Roll Sushi set and it comes with a spicy ramen
sushi roll is nothing special and ramen broth is not spicy at all.. so ordered this set is good for ladies who doesnt want her meal to be heavy

let me zoom in the sushi

our set do comes with a Miso soup.. looks how rich it is

and they are quite generious with their ingredients too :)

lastly here comes our dessert...
Matcha Tiramisu and Goma Pudding

Happy eating..

c ya 

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