Sunday, January 2, 2011

HK fren and HK Blogger gathering

HK fren and HK Blogger gathering

文章日期:05/21/2011 07:03 pm
This is the 2nd western cafe gathering that we are organising. Modesto's is always in one of the place to meet... and finally we are here.. and hope that our members are happy and satisfy with the food here.. 

Before I proceed, the last round we have new friends like Scarlett and Eugene, and this time round we have Cecilia, they are cheerful and fun to talk to.. and hope that they will join us again in the next gathering.  

We are now in Modesto's Vivo city, it is one of my favourite Italian restaurant by far. Not only is this place cosy and a good place to chat and make noise, their food is also not to be miss too (according to my expectation )

we quickly run through their menu

Mr and Mrs YY already started to read through what they want to eat

there are just too many plates of pasta.. so i will not go through all, but i will definitely give a verdict at the end of the blog.. stay tune.

except this.. this is one great focaccia that u really must try.. it is soft, tasty, i have taste some that is not up to expectation.

u can see how hungry they are .. kekekeke

Final verdict.. yummy 

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