Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mid Autumn Festival Dinner with Mr and Mrs YY :)

Mid Autumn Festival Dinner with Mr and Mrs YY :)

文章日期:09/13/2011 09:24 am
Celebrating Mid Autumn Festival is not really a in thing among Singaporean. But we are very lucky to have Mr and Mrs YY here in Singapore to keep this traditional going.. 

As for this year, we nearly miss the opportunity on keeping this traditional celebration as YY's were on a long holiday, for this time round, they really make in time to celebrate this once a year event..

Lantern is everywhere in the house. I particularly like this one set. Frankly speaking I really dont know why :)

Mrs YY is busy heating up the soup, see how busy she was

Me and my wife would like to thank Mr and Mrs YY giving us this wonderful gift from Switzerland. We have seen it on TV and some chef recommending it on TLC and AFC channel... we were very curious on how it taste like.. here goes...

nice crispy bread with rosemary

and here are the paste that goes with the bread above...
we have here Basil with Olive oil, Zuchini/Tomatoe with goat cheese, cant remember the other bottle, but will find out for you guys later

Here comes our dinner..
meat is nice and tender, bone is soft and full of calcium, radish has absorbed all the essence of the meat and the Zuk... (and we had this again the next day )

Sweet and sour fish fillet, good in "opening" up your stomach for great appetite.. fish is tender, green pepper is juicy.. too bad we finished the whole dish that nite.

Tada, our dinner for that nite

how can we not have mooncake for our Mid Autumn Festival..

Durian mooncake from Goodwood Park Hotel

朱古力脆脆 snow skin from Maxim...

after eating this Maxim mooncake, I still prefer the original snowskin flavour... 
Chocolate snowskin is really cant make it at all.

Now .. this is the best part, D24 durian mooncake.. exotic taste, rich in aroma, and full of fibre... unfortunately I can have all this by myself :)

It is really a enjoyable nite, we really eat up till our neck... thanks YY for inviting us over.
well have to go now, they need some rest after the long flight back from the west..

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