Sunday, January 2, 2011

Chinese New Year Eve with Olive

Chinese New Year Eve with Olive

文章日期:02/04/2011 09:32 pm
Chinese New Year Eve is a day where every Chinese family will gather together with their love ones/parents chatting and having fun all the way.. And since we had our reunion dinner early, and we know that Olive is staying near to our place, we have invited her to our place to have this great simple reunion dinner with us so that she will not feel lonely here
Our dinner dishes are really simple, Chicken and mushroom is a must in every reunion dinner

this is one shot that it was really by mistake, but it sure has that "ghostly" effect.. dont u think so?

Chicken, tender, soft, juicy, meaty.. and to me taste great ....

Mushroom cabbage, Olive favourite, and our favourite too.. not too salty and not too sweet, juicy on the mushroom, and freshness in the cabbage..yummy

okok.. i know this is not a dish, and some kind of appetiser.. cucumber soak in Vinegar/sugar/chilli + Jelly fish... and this one hell dish is really delicious.. be careful.. soduim is high too

Olive.. hope that you like our dish.. but the ultimate goal is hoping that you will not feeling lonliness here..
Gong Hei Fatt Choy

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