Sunday, January 2, 2011

Saizeriya @ Liang COurt

Saizeriya @ Liang COurt

文章日期:10/03/2011 01:13 pm
We have found another great eating place in Liang Court...
We have been monitoring this place for quite some times..
and we finally found out that their price is really very affordable and commericalise

when u need the waiter or waitress services.. just press this wireless bell

Menu is colour and full of choices

Coffee free flow

I cant remember what is this dish called..  great gravy, chicken meat is soft and tender. bacon is bouncy and melts in your mouth.. and its wedges, perfect... remember dont ask for chilli sauce, you will sure destroyed the whole meal.

Next our Spinach pizza.. very unique, the pizza base looks more like foccacia.. so so only

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