Thursday, December 11, 2008

Suntec Food Court - SG, 22nd Jun 2008

Suntec Food Court - SG, 22nd Jun 2008

文章日期:06/22/2008 08:44 pm

Here is another weekend, and it is another day of food court scouting time :P .. we were planning to have a movie  "Zohan" at the Suntec City.. and after reaching there.. we feel a little hungry, and here we begin our expporation.. there are many eating place in Suntec, but we see the crowd building up at the Suntec Convention hall.. and immediatly we found this stall that attracted us..
With all the lights hitting the food.. am I really hungry...

I ordered a plate of crispy piglet, which is my wife favourite, and also a plate of Char Siew and chicken for 2 person..
The stall did not pour the sauce onto the rice and dish, which is good, so that you can have the sauce whenever you feel like having it...

here the Charsiew are great, not too fatty and the meat is lean, but we are quite disappointed with the Roast Chicken.. the sweet sauce are not that sweet, but my advise to you, if you can avoid it.. please avoid it .. hehehe.. a little will do but not too much

the roast piglet, is crispy too... but the only comment my wife has is, if it is a little fatter, it will be nice.. anyway,, with that little fat.. it taste good.. go ahead.. try it

after we finish our lunch.. I noticed the chandelier... quickly i set my camera to twilght mode..
did u see the effect?

the whole dish cost us SG$ 28 / HK$ 155 / US$ 38
over all verdict will be good.. but the only thing we dont like is the crowd...
so here is the address
Guan Chee GK Roasted Duck, 1st level, Suntec Conventional  Hall...

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