Thursday, December 30, 2010

Morning Yum Cha - East Ocean

Morning Yum Cha - East Ocean

文章日期:11/13/2010 06:06 pm
Let see .... how shall i start this..
we used to have lunch yum cha session once a month.. and we need some break through on this aspect... and I was thinking, why dont we have a morning yum cha session.. thats right.. it is morning yum, after planning what to write on email, we decided to have it in not only it has various variety of tim sum, environment with HK feel, and yet you can talk until your lung out.. it  is none other then East Ocean in Isetan Scotts...
hmmm.. not really pack.. probably we are too early (10.30 am)

neatly arrange table waiting for you to order

this is a must try kung fu tea - it sure is a drink that really wakes you up in the morning

See how happy this young couple is

here comes our brunch... as for now.. i will only write on something that is not nice to me hahahahaha

in fact.. they all taste good to me. lol

and after getting to know each other.. "we actually have 2 new family members that just join in our group... " here comes our after eating shoot

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