Thursday, December 30, 2010

Koptiam @ Liang Court

Koptiam @ Liang Court

文章日期:11/21/2010 08:56 pm
I had a late viewing (6pm) around River Valley vicinity.. and it is really a rush for me as by the time i reach home, i think jhouse will be hungry like  ... hahahaha.. so i have suggested to her why dont she wait for me at Newton MRT so that I can pick her up and proceed to Liang Court for dinner..
To our surprise.. we saw a food court in Liang Court? this shows that we have not been here for donkey years.. so why not give it a try...

the interior decor has shown that it is not a normal coffee shop, but it is another level up in the F & B industry.. we spot a place right at the corner.. it is really cosy, and we can take pictures without anyone interruption...

we have ordered this set for 2 which cost S$13.. and it consist of Sweet Sour Pork Chop, assorted vege, Choy Sum soup and 2 bowl of rice

this pork chop is tasty and juicy, the meat is thin and tender, and gravy does open up your appetite to eat more

this assorted vege is just so-so, and if you are to order this, make sure u drink a lot of water.. why? it is quite salty.

according to jhouse, this soup is very very good and "chang"

so next time when u are there.. you can try them out..

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