Thursday, December 30, 2010

HK Blogger and friend gathering - RED STAR Restaurant #2

HK Blogger and friend gathering - RED STAR Restaurant #2

文章日期:05/29/2010 10:36 pm

This is a fish head specially requested by Mr Yeung Yeung..  its meat are soft and tasty

MR YY has been eying at this fish head for a very long time

and it is now his..
please take note for those fish head lover.. please check the fish head carefully before you tuck in.. as the one we had is not fully cook... if the fish head is fully cooked... you will MR YY will be smiling the whole night,,,

hey chloe.. why are u playing with your dessert?

this two kid is enjoying their dessert too.. yummy

Mrs HO has ordered her Mango Pudding.. i will leave it to Mrs HO to comment on this

it is going home time.. just wondering what is Chloe pointing at...

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone here to make this another success.. please look out for my email for the next event...
C you

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