Thursday, December 30, 2010

Home Made Cappuccino - Experiment #3

Now.. this will be experiment 3. why 3? because i have already failed in my round 2.. I have been trying out different ration on each ingredient.. i just dont understand why there isnt any ingredient on this online.. everyone keep saying, u will need to buy a machine in order to make a good cuppaccino.. and to tell you guys one thing.. there is no way I am going to buy a coffee maker..
And with this experiment 3, i am almost there... probably i will need 2 more try.. once I have succeed, i will share the receipe to everyone here
as usual, i have ration out the coffee powder

and mixed with ration ready hot water

and the milk

after frothing

here is the 80% complete

hmmm,.. i think my holding of syrup has begin to stablise

and this is 100%

after trying out, i think i know where went wrong... will try again in #4

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