Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Dinner, 25th Dec, 2010

Christmas Dinner, 25th Dec, 2010

文章日期:12/25/2010 09:52 pm
Now, what shall we do on Christmas Day?
hmmm....  obviously, we invited some friends over to have this small gathering in our humble little home in the west. While waiting for our friends to arrive, we have to prepare some light snack..
this is what i am suppose to do, spreading the garlic onto the bread = Garlic Bread

After finished the spreading, it is time for me to prepare the table setting, and to be frank, this is the first time we are arranging in such a layout.. (seems like you are entering into a high class restaurant)

all our friends are ready to tuck in.. and Jhouse is serving drinks to our guest

and she looks sooooo energetic...

here comes the first appetiser, mango tar-tare on a china,, this is what i call a real fusion between the east and the west

2nd, here comes our soup of the day, Minestrone soup..

and how can we soup without this wonderfully prepared garlic bread ..
unfortunately the bread is already not crispy by the time we start to eat it.. but it still taste great.

next here comes Olive HK Curry fishball with radish and cuttlefish. I have never try this delicacy while i was in HK, but now at least how it is taste like.

this "yakitori" is from YeungYeung, and it is a mixture of beef and mutton...

as for this honey baked chicken is actually from Irene/David...

and Salmon/Mushroom Risotto using pearl rice

this unbeliveable Pandan Cake is actually out from David's kitchen.. not only is smell of pandan, and it sure soft too

and finally our fruit salad.. too bad we cant finish it all as some of us is already 90% full of food in our stomach.. but no worry, we will finish it on the their behalf tomorrow

and here we are.. sitting down waiting for the camera to snap us .

I will like to take this opportunity to thank all the nice food.. and YY, ,i think u need to loose some weight.. Merry Christmas everyone

Home Made Cappuccino - Experiment #3

Now.. this will be experiment 3. why 3? because i have already failed in my round 2.. I have been trying out different ration on each ingredient.. i just dont understand why there isnt any ingredient on this online.. everyone keep saying, u will need to buy a machine in order to make a good cuppaccino.. and to tell you guys one thing.. there is no way I am going to buy a coffee maker..
And with this experiment 3, i am almost there... probably i will need 2 more try.. once I have succeed, i will share the receipe to everyone here
as usual, i have ration out the coffee powder

and mixed with ration ready hot water

and the milk

after frothing

here is the 80% complete

hmmm,.. i think my holding of syrup has begin to stablise

and this is 100%

after trying out, i think i know where went wrong... will try again in #4

Home Made Cappuccino - Experiment 1

Home Made Cappuccino - Experiment 1

文章日期:12/01/2010 05:13 pm
I have always wanted to try to make my own cappuccino.. the only challenge is that i really dont have the idea what is ration like.. ratio as in, how much espresso, how much milk and how much foam... anyway.. here is Take #1...
first I will need all the equipment and ingredients that i can think if...
You need a milk frother for sure... you can get this easily from Ikea, and it only cost you S$4.90..

and here i ready some mug, measuring mug and shot glass

not forgetting milk, coffee and espresso powder, and chocolate syrup

now, I am going to heat up the milk.. dont ask me abt the ration.. I really dont know

pour the steam milk into the measuring mug, and start making foam using the milk frother

can u see it now

the foam is foaming and looks creamy

unfortunately u can us this foam for the beach foam party .. hahahahahaha

after the foam is done... now pour them into this "coffee" mug

here is the 1st espresso pour in

2nd coffee pour in

now cover with more foam on top of it

next come the syrup portion... as this is my first time, apologise for the ugliness and non professional handling ;P

you will need to use the tooth pick to make some design that you want and like

sorry guys... this is what i can only do

and not forgetting to place 2 pcs of home made biscotti

after drinking it... i still need to experiment the ratio-ing...
i will have round 2 tomorrow..

Koptiam @ Liang Court

Koptiam @ Liang Court

文章日期:11/21/2010 08:56 pm
I had a late viewing (6pm) around River Valley vicinity.. and it is really a rush for me as by the time i reach home, i think jhouse will be hungry like  ... hahahaha.. so i have suggested to her why dont she wait for me at Newton MRT so that I can pick her up and proceed to Liang Court for dinner..
To our surprise.. we saw a food court in Liang Court? this shows that we have not been here for donkey years.. so why not give it a try...

the interior decor has shown that it is not a normal coffee shop, but it is another level up in the F & B industry.. we spot a place right at the corner.. it is really cosy, and we can take pictures without anyone interruption...

we have ordered this set for 2 which cost S$13.. and it consist of Sweet Sour Pork Chop, assorted vege, Choy Sum soup and 2 bowl of rice

this pork chop is tasty and juicy, the meat is thin and tender, and gravy does open up your appetite to eat more

this assorted vege is just so-so, and if you are to order this, make sure u drink a lot of water.. why? it is quite salty.

according to jhouse, this soup is very very good and "chang"

so next time when u are there.. you can try them out..