Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mother-in-law in town #6, 2010

MIL/SIL in town, 6th Dec 2010 #2

文章日期:12/06/2010 05:41 pm
all three are ordering it from the Yong Tau Fu store.
but they are off different version
version 1

Version 2

Version 3

and kway teow to go along

as for me, i have order this chicken rice.. this is really a pathetic one... so little and yet so expensive.. S$8 ar.. if you are to ask me if i will eat here again.. no way

later, they order this bittergourd soup

and a ginseng chicken soup to re-nourish their body

as usual, i will order my cheng teng.. cost S$2.50.. but it is not worth it if u are looking at this miserable ingredient

jhouse ordered a green teak red bean cake.. and i really surprise that they have such good confectionery in this food court

next we proceed to casino

we only walk pass it

and u can see there are 2 channel for singaporean/pr and foreigner.

now.. need to take a rest after that long walk

hotel structure is really amazing and looks modern too

hmmm.. up to todate, i still do not like this design.. it sure resemble the ancestor tablets

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