Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Baking Session #2, 2010

Baking Session #2

文章日期:03/26/2010 11:21 pm
while still waiting for the dough to be ready...
Carrie is now preparing water melon for tonite after dinner consumption

i really salute her.. look at how she cut and slice the water melon

now.. lets begin the dumpling session

lets move on to the next step

and the next...

and the final

the dough is ready.. it is twice the size now... and it is ready for making the bread

the ladies are now preparing to roll the dough

Avis is about to finish...

and the 6 portion is slice and ready to be mold... it seems like the size is not proportionate.. but it is ok.. u have a big and small bread

Carrie is now preparing her masterpiece.. just wondering is she is going to knit a heart shape on top of the bread?

they are now making their favorite.. Sasuage bread .. in hongkong they call it.. "piglet bun"

wow.. cant wait to take a bite.. before that.... it need to go into the oven

the bread is ready

the dumpling is ready

let us move to the next step... see ya

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