Thursday, January 7, 2010

Revoltech Saber - Armour Version

Revoltech Saber - Armour Version

文章日期:05/05/2010 05:37 pm
Here is my another of my collection on Saber from Fate Stay/Night by Kaiyodo - Revoltech...
It has been quite some time from the my last post on Saber Alter... and since I am out today... and taking the opportunity of this nice sunny day.. I think I better give this Saber a nice posing picture shoot...
The details are not as detail as Figma series... but nonetheless, Revoltech figurine are cuter then Figma.. and the face are rounder too..
Here is one standing pose with the sword high up

and here is another pose which Saber is ready to take you on

a little close up on her Ex-Calibur

and her armour

now.. Saber is aiming at her opponent opposite side..

here is another pose spreading with sword low down

lets check out how sharp her sword is :)

have to hurry up now.. it is going to rain soon, and this is the final shot while i am on the run to my car...

till then, I will be back and watching after you.. kekekeke

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