Thursday, January 7, 2010

Diformate Series - Takehito Harada - Saber Armor Version

Diformate Series - Takehito Harada - Saber Armor Version

文章日期:06/11/2010 03:52 pm
It is time for my next Saber Collection from Fate Stay Night...
This Saber is from Takehito Harada - Diformate Series, they always have a different feature from the rest of the maker like Alter, Figma or even GSC...
For the past few days, I was busy with my work, and since today is such a nice sunny day, well.. maybe I will bring her out to receive some vitamin E, and at the same time to give her some photo shoot too...
This is photo shoot is taken somewhere along Hillview, which is located around Upper Bukit Timah... I remember there are some greenery patches around here.. why not lets camp here and check this place out..
here are some standing pose which include left, right and front view

oops.. not forgetting the back pose too

and some close up shots.... u can see the feature is a little different.. Griffon has make her more rounder and slightly meaty on every part of the body

if you look at the details on the chest armour carefully, its really has fine detailing on the curvy of the design

the excalibur sword is really a one fine art here

this is the first time i am capturing her direct against the sun.. hope it turns out well

and one dark shoot

and with this base.. it really makes this Saber stand up even classier and proud too...

Do stay tune for my next figurine..

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