Monday, January 2, 2012

Lunch in Imperial Cafe

Lunch in Imperial Cafe

文章日期:01/29/2012 09:11 am
There is nothing new interesting event for this Saturday.
My wife has been a great fan with this Imperial cafe which is located in TripleOne Somerset ..
We decided to have our lunch there, and actually asked YY's couple if they would like to join us.
We ordered a pig knuckles noodle.
The noodle is still forever bouncy and with one bite, you can really feel the bounciness in your mouth...
with another bite on the pig's knuckles, the collagen part really fill up your mouth, and you can immediately feel the great collagen working on your skin cell too :)

Mrs YY ordered a Roast Pork Meat Rice.

and Mr YY ordered a duck meat rice..
actually their serving quite miserable and plain..
I think imperial should do somehting about its presentation

as for me, i ordered a bake pork chop rice.
this is one of my favourite from them,,,

with the Macro shoot, u know what i mean..
I enjoy eating this dish, pork chop are lean and juicy.
rice texture just right, and its tomato sauce gravy topping not so sweet n sour..
and one more thing that I like, this dish is not cheesy too...

hope all this pictures will activate your saliva gland..
till then.. see you in the next round


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