Friday, December 24, 2010

Lunar new year rest of the week

Lunar new year rest of the week

文章日期:02/22/2010 03:44 pm
we really loss track on our time and meeting...
but nontheless, here are some that we can still remember...
we manage to meet up some good friends for breakfast, no doubt we have Delifrance in Singapore, but do remember to give it a try here in Hong kong too.. Frankly speaking, I preferred HK Delifrance then Singapore, when you are there, you will know i am trying to say..
polite staff....

cosy corner

great portion food

something new to us

and delicious too

as for this section, this is one of tea session with another group of friends... it is located in Mongkok - The Red Ant

crowded and pack

clear heatiness sea coconut drink

french toast with strawberry syrup :(

i will not eat this again if i were you

and.. i really dont know what is this called.... "HK Rojak"?

But after a long walk with 8 degrees hitting you... this is the best soup that you must try...

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