Friday, December 11, 2009

Valentines at KTM Resort - Batam #2, 14th Feb 2009

Valentines at KTM Resort - Batam #2, 14th Feb 2009

文章日期:02/15/2009 07:55 pm

1st picture is the setting up for the Candle lights dinner on the bridge.

2nd picture on the left are the fully set-up and with candle light on table

with the lighting, it does have some romantic ambience...

1st come the fresh orange juice, a complimentary red one... nice

next come the soup, this is the worst soup i have ever taste, cold, blend and yuck...
next the chicken chop with steam potatoes + salad..

potatoes are hard, dressing on the salad are too much, as for the chop, yuck...
i have to say, this dinner really ruin our valentines day...

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