Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fate/ Stay Night, - Saber armour version - Figma

Fate/ Stay Night, - Saber armour version - Figma

文章日期:11/20/2009 06:10 pm
Here is another one of my Saber collection .. this time it is a armour version from Figma..
It has been in my closet for a while.. I thought of bringing her out for a nice picture shoot, but due to bad weather, I think I should snap her indoor...
It is not that easy going around her joints... but  i will try my best :)
Now let fix her into position....

This post is not an easy one, it took me around 5 mins to make her stand still

this is one post that takes ard 3 mins to set

this is easy .. not even 1 min.. notice the different in face expression... yup.. there are 3 face expression that you can choose from Figma...
the one she is holding now is the Excalibur

now let see how the Excalibur looks like

this is another sword that I cant remember its name

after all the shot with orchid as back drop, it is time to move Saber into the display cabinet...

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