Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall, 2011

Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall

文章日期:11/11/2011 09:51 am
I shall not bored you guys down with so many photos on this historic moment.. but you will be able to get a glimpse in the photo album.
It is one of those holidays in Singapore that actually tick us to head our way to this great man place where he use it as his base during the World War II.
He is none other then Mr Sun Yat Sen.  Singapore has been advertising this place aggressively, and I think it is good to find out what is it all about.

Frankly speaking, I really dont know what is says here.. it will be great if someone can enlighted me here :p

Remember, check the time slot before u head there

This is one great bungalow own by a wealthy man, and the owner is kind enough to let Mr Sun to use his place as a meeting base

I always like to good old artefacts and antiques.. but I think this is one pc which has no price tag to it.. PRICELESS

He really looks good at this age.. no wonder he had so many fans back then :P

The newspaper printing machine which is meant to print his paper.

can u guess what is this?.. stencil? yup :)

let me a zoom in shot..

This is the ID back then

our ex president Mr Ong, from Chinese High School

Wow.. this is one bungalow that you will never can sell or buy..

salute to Mr Sun, overseeing the great pc of land

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