Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ichiban Sushi (IMM) - the old, 19th May 2007

Ichiban Sushi (IMM) - the old, 19th May 2007

文章日期:05/22/2008 09:18 am
This was back then in May 2007 where we first patronise Ichiban Sushi :P
please check the latest May 21st, 2008 prior to this blog
After our swimming this morning... we wanted to go to the Ichiban Sushi again.. the last time we went for last wednesday..the reason why we want to go there again is that their service is really good and they always serve with a smile...
and whenever they see your table is empty, they keep on coming back and check if our order had been taken..
Colourful menu will always make you hungry
this time we order the same set Unagi Bento.. the last time we ate the same, but dont have the chance to take any pictures of it... this set is really worth it.. please check pictures...
 it comes with a big plate of Unagi,
a plate of tempura,
a plate of Tori Kaarage
a plate of salmon sashimi,
a plate of grilled fish..
and because this is a premium dish, i have order a bowl of rice and soup, not forgetting chawanmushi (steam egg) for my self and so the whole set is meant for 2 person actually.
and not forgetting the Nihontate
Did u see any different between the new and the old?
if u want to try.. please follow the undermentioned address.
Ichiban Sushi
#02-26, IMM building, Jurong East
Tel: 68963253

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