Thursday, December 24, 2009

Vista Bistro - SG, 12th Jan 2009

Vista Bistro - SG, 12th Jan 2009

文章日期:01/12/2010 02:03 pm
We saw one advertisement that strongly recommending this place The Vista Bistro, which boasted a nice selection of Semi A-La-Carte Buffet... check out this website...
And it is a special occassion today, we thought we should check this place out..
It is located at a very nice place along the east coast parkway... almost by the beach, with the cooling seabreeze blowing inwards the land... it is really a nice place to hang out at nite too...
We were there early today to avoid the lunch crowd ... I think we were greeted by the boss, and were "escorted" to our seats :)

this place really makes you feel easy and relaxing and its decor is really very simple and "resort" style

Open concetpt kitchen, and the boss is standing there telling you.. "I am watching you"

first we took our first serving.. the pumpkin soup... well.. it is a little liquidify, and you dont really taste pumpkin in it.. and I must say, all u taste are cream soup.

and we pick up some bread and wedges.. surprising the wedges really taste good then the soggy bread...

here comes the free flow salad, you can choose as many type of salad as you like...

they are really quite tasty,  and i did go for 2nd and 3rd round of this

here comes my wife order, it is the Lobster Spag, looks more like cray fish to me.. anyway, the spag is really good.. not soggy and not hard, its flavour is good, and i dont mind going for another round of this... but as for the crayfish, it is rather small though.. so remember not to expect and good surprise on the meat part

as for my order, I have ordered a Norwegian Salmon, it is accompanied with mesh potatoe and some slice vege... salmon taste great, but i expect a bigger portion will be very attractive, mesh potatoe are not fresh done, and i believe it is out from the instant mix box... well, if i were to come again... i will not order this dish at all

the selection of fruits are not much, so we pick up some like watermelon, papaya and melon

my second round of salad serving

some dessert to choose from are mango pudding cake, blueberry cake, cheese cake, and chocalate cake... out of this 4 flavour, chocolate is the only one i should say the good one

this is the so-called $2 home made ice lemon tea which i think it is from can drink.

here are 2 kind of cold dessert.. choco mousse and mango pudding...
mango pudding taste tasteless...

as for the choco mousse, its heart are really creamy like you are eating milk chocolate in melting state

it is really a nice place except there isnt any air-condition but fans and sea-breeze..
you can call for a reservation too
902 East Coast Parkway
Block F #01-27, Playground @ Big Splash
Singapore 449874

Reservations & Enquiries
6345 9055

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Singapore National Orchid Garden #4, 13th Dec 2009

Singapore National Orchid Garden #4, 13th Dec 2009

文章日期:12/14/2009 10:22 am
after the mist house..
we are now on our way to the cool house, where the whole place is "air-condtion"

when we are in,,, its sure is feeling good :)

well.. since all my ILs are here.. lets take some shot on them :)

well.. thats all folks...

Singapore National Orchid Garden #3, 13th Dec 2009

Singapore National Orchid Garden #3, 13th Dec 2009

文章日期:12/14/2009 10:21 am
here are more speices in the mist house....
as you can see.. there are really no ends to it :)

I like this arrangement as it sits in this big giant bowl

this is one unique orchid that i believe you have not seen it before...

have you ever seen a orchid with a cup ?

Singapore National Orchid Garden #2, 13th Dec 2009

Singapore National Orchid Garden #2, 13th Dec 2009

文章日期:12/14/2009 10:20 am
today weather is really just too good to waste,,
strolling the garden slowly really relaxing your busy mind.. and with the beautifully arrange orchid along the path way, it sure makes you looking forward for more ...

here we are, the misthouse where delicate orchid need to stay in certain temperature to look good
manage to take some shots... hope u likes it...